Infact, he actually holds back his powers because he knows Hat Kid doesn't stand much of a fighting chance, only upping the ante when she does find a way to beat him by deflecting his blue potion attack back onto him and thus making him vulnerable. This may be an action you would expect from a cheater, but this isn't the cowardly type of cheater, as somehow he is the only character in the game to know where Hat Kid gets her powers from and thus this only serves as a display of competence and strategy. Strategically takes away Hat Kid's hat, which is the main source of her powers, forcing her to fight him without the gimmicks the Hat grants.When he doesn't it's because he's tired of Hat Kid's mischief and troublemaking which is honestly understandable considering her personality. Speaks to Hat Kid with a charming, affable manner most of the time.Initially starts off as a rude, bossy manchild but very quickly sheds these traits as the story goes on and thus becomes magnificent.

He is a manipulative shadow spirit who competes with the mysterious Queen Vanessa for the control over Subcon Forest, playing tricks and making deals with others in order to obtain their souls. The Snatcher is the secondary antagonist of A Hat in Time, serving as both the deuteragonist and main antagonist of the third Chapter "Subcon Forest", as well as the main antagonist of the Death Wish DLC mode, and the overarching protagonist of the Vanessa's Curse DLC.

Say goodbye to that little head of yours! Time you saw what I'm really capable of, kid.